Employer Based Injury Management

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We are available to support your business, remotely, site based, part time, full time and anything in between. We cover acute injury triage, early intervention, claim submission, medical management, and return to work processes. Your existing business systems can be used or we can develop the injury management system for you based on best principles and your unique business operations.


We will autonomously complete the following tasks, allowing you to run your business efficiently:

Injury Triage, Facilitation of Medical Care – may include medical case conferences, attending hospital, airport pickups and so on.

Stakeholder Engagement – ensuring all relevant levels of the business are updated on working capacity and recovery time-frames.

Develop, Monitor, and Renew Return to Work Plans – employers are legally required to have return – to – work plans in place for all workplace injuries.

Ergonomic/Human Factors Assessments – we will analyze your work practices and present options to reduce the risk of injury.

Job Task Analysis – what is the physical, psychological and psychosocial demand of each task within each job? This assessment will tell you.

Claims Management – includes support with insurance and broker discussions around optimal claims strategy and action plans.

Available Slots for Support

Whatever suits your business! We have flexible timing. We can work under:

  • hourly rate
  • half day rate
  • full day rate
  • weekly rate
  • custom package